2007 SeasonInitial InformationThe 2007 season kicked off on Jan 20th, 2007. Game selection and order will be done like last season (player choice). For example, in a 4 player group, seed 1 will choose game 1 and will go last, seed 2 will go 3rd, seed 3 will go 2nd and seed 4th will go 1st. We will then rotate game and position, so seed 2 will choose game 2 and go last, etc. This way everybody has a chance to choose at least one game, and go last at least once. It should also reduce bottlenecks on games. In 3 person groups seeds 1 and 2 will choice twice and go last, in 4 person groups seed 1 will have this opportunity. Here are the seeds going into the finals. Congratulation to Josh for winning the regular season. The finals are July 21st at Tom Terlecky's house. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are not able to make finals. Ties will be broken with single game play-offs, winner will have then have choice. Order will be given to previous higher ranking. Winner will have choice of order or game. Top 24 players are in the end of year tournament in A, B and C divisions. As in the past, trophies will be given for regular season champ, and each division champ. Plaques will be given for 2nd and cash for 3rd. The absent rule remains the same: you are only allowed 2 absents for the year. Pre-playing will once again be at the discretion of the host. Further clarification of absents can be found here Absents so far: Jason Werdrick 1, Andy Rosa 3, Brain Lamug 1, John Kosmal 2, Josh Sharpe 2, Mike Turack 2, Darren Kamnitzer 1, Steve Perotti 1, Dave Hegge 1, Rush Luanguswan 1, Jason Weibel 2, Cameron Silver 1 Schedule
Regular Season Standings
Final Standings
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